The Startup Defense


The Startup Defense explores the intersection of commercial technology and defense innovation.

Callye Keen (Kform) talks with expert guests about the latest needs and trends in the defense industry and how startup companies are driving innovation and change. From concept to field, The Startup Defense covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, mission computing, autonomous systems, and the manufacturing necessary to make technology real.

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  • Our primary audience is founders and CXOs of innovative, defense-focused businesses. The show has broad appeal to startups looking for opportunities with large impact.

  • Our goal is to have organic, human conversations highlighting the work and experience of our guests. Callye does research on guests beforehand, but we encourage guests to provide any specific topics so the discussion is valuable.

    At a high level, a sample discussion might look like:

    - Guest Introduction and Background

    - What is your passion and focus with X?

    - Can you share a story about X doing Y?

    - How do you see Y growing in importance?

  • The Startup Defense is recorded on Riverside with video. This enables us to clip and repurpose content across multiple channels. We provide these assets to guests for their use.

  • Episodes are approximately 30 mins. We have a short discussion before and after recording. We ask guests to plan for 45-60 mins but, if needed, we can accommodate schedules with shorter time slots.

  • We will promote the show using an omnichannel strategy, repurposing the content through a blog and video content for distribution on YouTube and LinkedIn. Using a similar strategy, Callye built a previous show into the top .5% of podcasts worldwide.

  • Kform pulls insights from our conversations to publish blog articles and whitepapers supporting Defense innovation. Are you a writer with defense industry experience and passion? We are looking for guest writers.